Leader in Me Kids

3 kids wearing yellow vests outside of school

As a Leader In Me School, every child in our school has leadership roles,  in their class, and in the greater school. 

We believe in The Worth Of A Child

Class roles are developed by each class.
They are roles essential to the functioning of the group. Some roles include: 

  • door leader
  • lights leader
  • line leader
  • tissue box leader
  • sweeper leader
  • greeter
  • plant watering (gardener)
  • composter (apple core checker)
  • juice box checker
  • librarian (organizing books)
  • office leader (pick up and delivery)
  • printer leader (pick up)

Leadership Roles

Roles change 2 or 3 times per year, so students can have a variety of experiences. Students can choose their role, as long as it is age/skill appropriate and not too many students are in the team. 

3 students standing by bulletin board

School wide roles might include: 

  • ATB banking leaders
  • public speaking leaders 
  • announcement leaders 
  • O Canada Leaders 
  • Wormologists (caring for our 16,000 composting worms)
  • recycling leaders
  • chair leaders (setting up chairs in gym for larger events)
  • greeters (at front door each morning)
  • bus greeters  
  • swiffers 
  • apple core leaders  
  • birthday card leaders  
  • bucket filling leaders  
  • buddy bench leaders  
  • crossing guard leaders
  • front sign leaders  
  • gardening and outdoor composting leaders
  • hot lunch bin leaders
  • global leaders (caring activities, such as anti-racism and multi-cultural fashion show)
  • library leaders
  • literacy leaders  
  • lunch monitors  
  • math leaders  
  • office leaders  
  • photogrphy leaders
  • school wide tour leaders
  • stage leaders  
  • white board leaders  

Check out our wonderful Student Leaders!

Crossing Guard Leaders

Green Leaders and Waste Free Lunches

Gardening Leaders

Recycling Leaders

Composting Leaders & how we work on our goal of being an environmentally responsible school