Staff Directory

Staff Directory


Photo of James Hayward

James Hayward


Phone: 780.791.6990

Photo of Leannah Robertson

Leannah Robertson

Vice Principal/Directrice Adjointe

Phone: 780.791.6990

Photo of Erin Andrews

Erin Andrews

Vice Principal/Directrice Adjointe

Phone: 780 791 6990

Administrative Assistant

Photo of Natalie Scott

Natalie Scott

Senior Admin Assistant

Phone: 780 791 6990

Photo of Tammy Johnson

Tammy Johnson

Admin Assistant

Phone: 780 791 6990

Photo of Crystal Martyshuk

Crystal Martyshuk

Admin Assistant

Phone: 780 791 6990

placeholder image for Julie McTavish

Julie McTavish


Student Services

Photo of Tyler Chaisson

Tyler Chaisson


Photo of Alexandra Parsons

Alexandra Parsons

LAC teacher


Photo of Diana Anthony

Diana Anthony

Grade 1 French Immersion

Photo of Joel Arseneau

Joel Arseneau

Physical Education

Photo of Ashley Barnes

Ashley Barnes

Grade 4/5 French Immersion

Photo of Mireille Bujold

Mireille Bujold

Grade 3/4 French Immersion

Photo of Jennifer Burke

Jennifer Burke

Grade 5/6 French Immersion

placeholder image for Hailey Chisholm

Hailey Chisholm

Grade 2 French Immersion

Photo of Chantalle Cloutier

Chantalle Cloutier

Grade 2/3 French Immersion

Photo of Kitty Cochrane

Kitty Cochrane

Grade 2/3 English

Photo of Kristen Craig

Kristen Craig

Grade 4 French

Photo of Lise DeLaFranier

Lise DeLaFranier

Kindergarten/ECDP French Immersion

Photo of Victoria Enwood

Victoria Enwood

Grade 3 English

Photo of Andrea Harding

Andrea Harding

Grade 6 English

placeholder image for Tanya Harty

Tanya Harty

Kindergarten English

Photo of Erika Kennedy

Erika Kennedy

Grade 6 French Immersion

Photo of Katherine Lenoir

Katherine Lenoir

Grade 5 French Immersion

Photo of Cheryl MacDonald

Cheryl MacDonald

Grade 6 English

Photo of Ariana Mancini

Ariana Mancini

ECDP/K English + ECDP French Immersion

Photo of Bianca Martel

Bianca Martel

Grade 5 English

Photo of Naoual Mrizig

Naoual Mrizig

Grade 3 French Immersion

Photo of Bob Niven

Bob Niven

Grade 4 English + PEAK Hockey Coach

Photo of Erin Sampson

Erin Sampson

Grade 1 French Immersion

Photo of Bev Waldner

Bev Waldner

Grade 1/2 English

Photo of Rosalee Warner

Rosalee Warner


Educational Assistants

Photo of Jessica Abraham

Jessica Abraham

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Eve Arsenault

Eve Arsenault

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Christine Bayot

Christine Bayot

Educational Assistant

Photo of Nicole Blais

Nicole Blais

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Gwen Britch

Gwen Britch

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Gwen Britch

Gwen Britch

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Nancy Hodder

Nancy Hodder

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Michael Jeason

Michael Jeason

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Tinumol Joseph

Tinumol Joseph

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Esther Katjijova

Esther Katjijova

Educational Assistant

Photo of Sophie Langlais

Sophie Langlais

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Leahlyn Malipat

Leahlyn Malipat

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Juliana Montero

Juliana Montero

Educational Assistant

Photo of Kendra Morrison

Kendra Morrison

Educational Assistant

Photo of Rhonda Smith

Rhonda Smith

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Melissa Snook

Melissa Snook

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Jennifer Tober

Jennifer Tober

Educational Assistant

Photo of Angela Urchyshyn

Angela Urchyshyn

Educational Assistant


placeholder image for Thelma Hannaford

Thelma Hannaford

Head Custodian

placeholder image for Sherie Smith

Sherie Smith

Day Custodian

placeholder image for Nancy Haas

Nancy Haas

Evening Custodian

placeholder image for Brenda Dobbin

Brenda Dobbin

Evening Custodian