
Grades Taught

ECDP-6 French Immersion and English


At École Dickinsfield School, we are a nurturing community of leaders who inspire lifelong learning, respect and responsibility for self, others, our environment, and our world.


James Hayward - Principal

Leannah Robertson - Vice Principal

Erin Andrews - Vice Principal

Mission Statement/Déclaration de Mission

At École Dickinsfield, we are a nurturing community of leaders who inspire lifelong learning, respect and responsibility for self, others, our environment, and our world.

À École Dickinsfield School, nous travaillons à instruire une communauté étudiante qui sera inspirée d’un désir d’apprendre et sera consciente de l’importance du respect et de la responsabilité envers soi, l'evironnement et les autres.


Together we fly higher. 
Ensemble nous volons toujours plus haut.


Growing Leaders, One Habit At A Time.