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Our inspiring videos!

graphic that says "you are capable of amazing things"

Check out these amazing videos, starring our school's great student leaders and wonderful initiatives. We hope we inspire you!

Ecole Dickinsfield School
The Leader In Me at our school

7 Habits at Ecole Dickinsfield School
Here we are in Action!

Ecole Dickinsfield School Garden
Student leaders plant, care for and harvest the city's first school garden. 

Ecole Dickinsfield Wormologists
And other green initiatives, with student leaders! Sustainability, Shaw TV

Ecole Dickinsfield Crossing Guards
Student leaders help people safely cross the road daily. 

Ecole Dickinsfield School Waste Free Lunches
Student leaders explain our Waste Free Lunch initiative: every person, every day. 

Ecole Dickinsfield School: Celebrate Diversity
Our amazing activities help students celebrate all our differences.
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand

Ecole Dickinsfield: Reduce Litter
Created by Grade 3 Leaders

Ecole Dickinsfield Green School
These Green Leaders explain our environmental initiatives.
They presented at a provincial conference and to the Minister of Education!

Ecole Dickinsfield School: Waste Free Lunches & Composting. 
With the help of many grants, we have been able to do amazing things, and inspire others! 

School Play, We Are Monsters
Students build confidence with a role for everyone. Amazing!

Tricks to Leadership, Magician Show
Fundraising with the 7 Habits learning

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